Well, the week in Louisiana is over and I'm back in Memphis now, but that week is still very much in my mind. I had such a dynamic time with those students and I grew a lot. I was forced to question myself on a regular basis, sometimes for the good and at times, for the bad. In the end, it confirmed what I already knew: I have a ton to learn about myself and about God too. My fraility spoke so loudly to me this week, screaming messages that pierced my heart with deadly arrows, yet it pointed me to Christ in a very real way and I'm glad it did. I know I don't know much, for I am still very young, yet I still need to have a confidence that can not shatter easily just because one person may not appreciate my leading style. I know God has placed me in this
role for a reason and plans on using me in big ways, that is, if I move out of the way and let Him lead for me.
On a lighter note, the week ended with a ton of fun. My team was able to accomplish much in John Paul's kitchen and we grew quite close to him. I can honestly say I love that man. I never heard him complain. Sure, he shared his struggles with me, but it was never in a cursing tongue. Everything I saw come out of him brought glory to God and I admired him greatly for it. On Thursday night JP celebrated all the volunteer teams by having a shrimp boil in his backyard. It was amazing! Fresh shrimp, fresh crab, gumbo, jambalaya, potatoes, soup, and more. The food was spectacular, and a truly southern experience. My kitchen team also celebrated JP as well. Towards the end, we surrounded him and presented him with his very own encouragement bead necklace. For encouragement beads, LeaderTreks uses four colors for different traits seen in a person: green is for compassion, blue is for risk taking, red is for leadership, and white is for service. Each person can give one bead and when they do it, they must speak to the person receiving it and tell them why they are giving them that bead. We gave JP a necklace with all four colors on it and spoke about why he got each one. It touched him deeply, for he had tears welling up in his eyes. As we walked out, one of the students saw JP turn towards his kitchen and in a slow movement, tie the cord around his neck. Meaningful indeed.
On a lighter note, the week ended with a ton of fun. My team was able to accomplish much in John Paul's kitchen and we grew quite close to him. I can honestly say I love that man. I never heard him complain. Sure, he shared his struggles with me, but it was never in a cursing tongue. Everything I saw come out of him brought glory to God and I admired him greatly for it. On Thursday night JP celebrated all the volunteer teams by having a shrimp boil in his backyard. It was amazing! Fresh shrimp, fresh crab, gumbo, jambalaya, potatoes, soup, and more. The food was spectacular, and a truly southern experience. My kitchen team also celebrated JP as well. Towards the end, we surrounded him and presented him with his very own encouragement bead necklace. For encouragement beads, LeaderTreks uses four colors for different traits seen in a person: green is for compassion, blue is for risk taking, red is for leadership, and white is for service. Each person can give one bead and when they do it, they must speak to the person receiving it and tell them why they are giving them that bead. We gave JP a necklace with all four colors on it and spoke about why he got each one. It touched him deeply, for he had tears welling up in his eyes. As we walked out, one of the students saw JP turn towards his kitchen and in a slow movement, tie the cord around his neck. Meaningful indeed.
On Saturday, Lauren, Cherilyn, and I drove back to Memphis. Two more weeks here. All for now.
1 comment:
After spending two weeks in Mexico, I more fully appreciate what you're doing. Thanks for leading the way in both looking for where God is working and getting involved in it. Keep on in this endeavor!
Love you,
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